- Xbox 360
Duck Hunter
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play the Guitarcade game: Ducks
Fret Fast
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 10,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Ducks
Ducks x 6
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play the Guitarcade game: Super Ducks
Just Super!
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 150,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Super Ducks
Solo Foundations
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play the Guitarcade game: Scale Runner
Scales Owned
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 50,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Scale Runner
Challenge Harmonics
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play the Guitarcade game: Harmonically Challenged
Beat Harmonics
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 1,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Harmonically Challenged
Batter Up
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play the Guitarcade game: Big Swing Baseball
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 2,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Big Swing Baseball
Slide Puzzle
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play the Guitarcade game: Super Slider
Slide to Victory
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 15,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Super Slider
Where Rainbows Come From
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play the Guitarcade game: Quick Pick Dash
Furious Plucker
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 5,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Quick Pick Dash
The One With Zombies
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play the Guitarcade game: Dawn of the Chordead
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 1,000,000 points in the Guitarcade game: Dawn of the Chordead
Happy Shopper
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Visit the shop
Singles Rock
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 100,000 points in a Single Note Arrangement
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 100,000 points in a Chord Arrangement
All Rounder
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 100,000 points in a Combo Arrangement
The Basics
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Complete Soundcheck (Reach Rank 1)
New Act
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 2
Local Support Act
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 3
Local Headliner
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 4
National Support Act
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 5
National Headliner
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 6
International Support Act
Reward: 40 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 7
International Headliner
Reward: 40 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 8
Elite Guitarist
Reward: 60 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 9
Super Elite Guitarist
Reward: 60 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 10
Reward: 100 Points
Objective: Reach Rank 11
My 1st Gig
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play an Event
My 1st Encore
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Qualify for an Encore
Better Than An Encore?
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Qualify for a Double Encore
The Rocksmith Method
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Earn all Bronze Technique Medals
Tutorials My Axe
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Earn all Gold Technique Medals
Tone is My Avatar
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Create and save a custom tone
Hear Me Now
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Use the Amp
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Use the Tuner to tune to Drop-D
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Beat a 100 Note Streak
Just Awesome
Reward: 40 Points
Objective: Beat a 750 Note Streak
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Beat a 5 Chord Streak
No Dischord
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat a 25 Chord Streak
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Beat a 500 Note Streak
Art + Functionality
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Collect all guitars
Tone Peddler
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Collect 50 effects pedals
OK, I Learned
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 200,000 points in Master Mode
Stage Ready
Reward: 40 Points
Objective: Complete a Master Event
Beneficial Friends
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Play multiplayer with 2 guitars
Just Singing?
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Using a mic, sing along and achieve Nice Singing
DLC: Bass Expansion
Bass Camp
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Play a bass arrangement
The Bottom Line
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Complete a bass event
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Play a song with emulated bass using a guitar
Bass Face
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Beat 100,000 points in a Bass arrangement
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Earn a bass pedal, amp, or cabinet
The Bassics
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete all Bass Technique Challenges to Bronze
Ace Of Bass
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete all Bass Technique Challenges to Gold
All Your Bass
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Collect all basses
Bass Head
Reward: 40 Points
Objective: Collect all bass gear
Reward: 60 Points
Objective: Reach rank 11 on Bass