- PC
Cheats Codes: To increase your money you first have to type "iamacheater" to enable cheat mode. Increase your money hit [Ctrl] [Left Alt] C Decrease your money [Ctrl] SHIFTC Decrease Gamma [Ctrl] SHIFT numeric pad - Increase Gamma: [Ctrl] SHIFT numeric pad Instant Disasters: [Ctrl] SHIFT 0 Free Buildings: and locate the files restrooms.ini, academic.ini, administration.ini, athletic.ini, entertainment.ini, and food.ini to your liking and save the file as INI not TXT. The values and strings are self-explanatory. The value DecayRate=0.0005 means buildings decay at the listed rate. Changing it to absolute zero will result in no building deterioration. Some other helpful values to change or otherwise alter would be: Have all buildings StartingCash=50000 you may need to change it in all INI files for all difficulty folders [COSTVARS] [COSTS] [DISASTERS] [AWARDS] |