- PC
Magic Mode costume:
Successfully complete the game. This costume reduces the rate at which
the Pike Ball drains magic.
Easy "Late Night Gamer!" achievement:
Druids are the faceless enemies in red robes that appear in Hypno Tower
at Mermaid Cliffs. After its Boss is defeated, a druid can also be found
in Mayor Scuttlebutt's abandoned seaside retreat, which is faster to reach
because of the nearby warp squid. Kill a druid between 00:00 (Midnight)
and 01:00 to earn the achievement.
Easy "Pikeball Power!" achievement:
The Pike Ball is one of the three basic magic forms available at the item
shop. Unlike the other two forms, it and its advanced versions remain
active upon use and drain magic continuously. Refills are required to
maintain the same Pike Ball for two minutes. Magic Potions cannot be used
because using one will terminate an active Pike Ball. To earn this
achievement, play "Battle Tower", which has a large number of enemies
that can drop magic refills, as well as jars that always contain refills.
Changing rooms with a Pike Ball active will not cancel it. The tower can
be completed with the same Pike Ball. If available, also use the Magic
Mode costume to reduce the rate at which the Pike Ball drains magic.
Alternate ending pictures:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding picture
during the ending sequence:
Risky Boots on her pirate ship : Successfully complete the game in more than
two hours with all 34 items.
Rottytops : Successfully complete the game in less than
three hours with all 34 items.
Shantae : Successfully complete the game in more than two
hours with fewer than 34 items.
Shantae in a bikini : Successfully complete the game in under two
hours with fewer than 34 items.