- Playstation 3
Cheat Codes:
Mini-Skater mode:
Enter miniskaters as a cheat code.
Zombie Mode:
Enter zombie as a cheat code.
Hoverboard Mode:
Enter mcfly as a cheat code.
Resets all objects in every area:
Enter streetsweeper as a cheat code.
Unlocks Isaac from Dead Space:
Enter deadspacetoo as a cheat code.
Park Apprentice
Objective: Complete the skate.Park tutorials
Takin 'em to the limit
Objective: Get the terrain meter in the red for your own skate.Park
Constructive Criticism
Objective: Rate 5 skate.Parks, 5 Films, and 5 Photos
Artsy Fartsy
Objective: Upload 5 Films and 5 Photos, and 3 skate.Parks
Objective: Create a Logo and put it on your Skater
Objective: 3 Moveable objects used in a single sequence
Mantastic Voyage
Objective: 3 manuals in a single sequence
Don't be so Mayo
Objective: Land a Miracle Whip (Superdude body flip)
100% Pure Adrenaline
Objective: Fly Spread Eagle for 10 seconds
Employee #3
Objective: Earn your second career teammate
Party at the Penthouse
Objective: Win both Maloof Money Cup contests
Objective: Win the T-Mobile sponsored contest
Employee #2
Objective: Earn your first career teammate
Beast Unleashed
Objective: Win the Monster contest
GVR Champ
Objective: Win the Goofy vs. Regular contest
Making a Buddy Call
Objective: Call a Skater to come skate with you
Talking bout Team practice
Objective: Play in a 6-player Team Freeskate session
You're Winner!
Objective: Win a Ranked Online Solo Challenge
Objective: Complete an Online Career challenge
Throw Down
Objective: Win a Ranked Online Team Challenge
Team Up
Objective: Be part of a team with two or more skaters
Lot Pwners
Objective: Win a Ranked Team Own The Lot
Speed Demon
Objective: Win the final deathrace
In Stereo
Objective: Complete Coach Frank's skate.School Tutorials
Objective: Beat the 'Thorax Crunch' Hall of Meat Challenge
All your base are belong to you
Objective: Unlock the Team HQ
Employee #1
Objective: Start your team
Objective: Beat the film ender
The Consumate Pro
Objective: Complete all pro challenges
King of Kings
Objective: Win the sreet and tranny ender contests
Sexiest Skater Alive
Objective: Get the covers of Skateboard Mag and Thrasher
Objective: Complete all Promotional Films and Photos
Employee #4
Objective: Earn your third career teammate
It takes a really big village...
Objective: Reach community board sales target
High Five!
Objective: Win any 5 Ranked Challenges
Is that all you got?
Objective: Own all challenges
Spot Monopolist
Objective: Own all of the spots
A Dynasty Is Born
Objective: Fully staffed your team
Mass Murderer
Objective: Kill 80 challenges
Lot Monopolist
Objective: Own all of the lots
Objective: Everything beaten, everything unlocked, everything earned
Deck Peddler
Objective: 1 Million boards sold
Objective: Earn all Skate 3 Trophies