Skeleton Warriors - 99 Lives

Skeleton Warriors - 99 Lives

99 Lives

Pause gameplay and press B A Down B A Left Down Right Y Up.


Pause gameplay and press C Right A Z Y Left A Right Down B A B Y.

Unlimited Heartstones

Pause gameplay and press Left A Z Y C Right A B B Y Down A Down Down Y.

Level Select

Pause gameplay and press Left Up C C Y Up C C Y. Resume gameplay hold A B C and press Start to reset. Go into Options and seelct Test Start.

Bouncy Mode

Pause gameplay and press C Right A Z Y B A Left Left.

Jet Pack

Pause gameplay and press C A Left Left A X B A B Y.

Super Sword

Pause gameplay and press Down Up Left Left B Up Left Left.

View Map Coordinates

Pause gameplay and press X X X X Y Y Y Y.