

Aikido Win a match with only 3 or less fleets left alive (Multiplayer).
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Behind enemy lines Loose a fleet to attrition in any match (any game mode).
Completionist Complete all optional objectives in single player missions.
Flawless victory Don’t loose a single fleet in a multiplayer match.
Fortificator Build a Battlestation or a Shield within 10 minutes of a multiplayer match commencing.
Full Service Complete all single player missions.
Just An Oversight Loose a match with 10 or more fleets alive (Multiplayer).
Landgrab Capture 4 systems within 10 minutes of a multiplayer match commencing.
Master Achiever Unlock all achievements, apart from this one.
Multitasking Fight 4 battles at the same time in a match (any game mode).
Not built for the purpose Win a space battle with Siege fleets (any game mode).
Not One Step Back Don't loose a single system in a multiplayer match.
Reconnaissance Complete a multiplayer match on every map in the game.
Scorched Earth Destroy at least 80% of systems on the map (Multiplayer or Skirmish).
Shock and Awe Destroy an enemy fleet within first 10 minutes of a multiplayer match.
Territory Control Control at least 80% of the systems on the map (Multiplayer or Skirmish).