- PC
5,000 upgrade points: Press Up2, Down2, Left, Right while standing on the Helicarrier. Note: Enabling this code will not allow achievements to be unlocked. Also, this code can only be enabled one time. New Goblin: Sandman: Venom: Achievements: Tokyo Complete 125 points: Find all collectibles, find all secrets, and defeat all bosses in this location. Tangaroa Island Complete 125 points: Find all collectibles, find all secrets, and defeat all bosses in this location. Egypt Complete 125 points: Find all collectibles, find all secrets, and defeat all bosses in this location. Transylvania Complete 125 points: Find all collectibles, find all secrets, and defeat all bosses in this location. Nepal Complete 125 points: Find all collectibles, find all secrets, and defeat all bosses in this location. Lightning Strikes 25 points: Obtain a Hit Chain higher than 15. Combo Meter Master 25 points: Fill the Combo Meter all the way to Level 4. Our Powers Combined 25 points: Initiate a Hero Strike Power-Up. Web Slinger 75 points: Fully upgrade Web Line with all available Modifications. Arachnid Artillery 75 points: Fully upgrade Web Shoot with all available Abilities and Mods. All Tied Up 75 points: Fully upgrade Web Stun with all available Abilities and Mods. Fury's Fourteen 75 points: All characters are fully upgraded with all Attacks and Attributes |