Super Mario All-Stars

Super Mario All-Stars


Super Mario Bros. 1

Fire Power Skate:
You must have firepower to make this work. Anytime you exit a pipe or start a level through a doorway, hold B and A. You should automatically jump, and if done right, you'll be able to skate on one foot for a little while, as long as you hold down B.

Save Your Place:
Try holding start when you die, just after it's too late to pause. You should begin the level where you died.

Fire Power While Small:
To do this you need to be big or have fire power. First you must be in the last level of any world except for 8. Then you must jump on the little koopa and the hammer that retracts the bridge. You have to touch the hammer and koopa at the same time for it to work. You will start flashing like you have been hit but you will stay big. When you get a mushroom in the next world it will make you small now go find a flower and you'll have Small Fire Power untill you die.

Warp to World 6, 7 or 8:
When you get to world 4-2, go past the first set of ? blocks and the elevator. Jump the hole and you will see a small staircase made of bricks. Break the brick underneath the top-left brick, then hit the top-left brick and a beanstalk will appear. Climb it to reach a special area where you can warp to worlds 6, 7 or 8.

At the "Game Over" screen, hold A. When the "1 Player/2 Player" screen appears, press START.

Minus World:
To get to the never ending water level go to world 1-2. At the part at the end where there's a pipe going to the next level. Break two blocks so there's one at the end touching the pipe.Now duck and jump backward toward the brick (don't break it!) If you did this right you should go through the wall and pipe into a warp zone. Jump down the 1st pipe you see and you will be in the Negative World (-1)

Extra Lives:
When you stomp on a turtle, kick it to the right and follow it. If it hits eight other turtles then you'll win an extra life.

Extra Lives on World 3:
At the end of the third world you will see two turtles coming down. Let the first turtle go then jump lightly on the second turtle so that it is standing still on the steps (this will take practice.) Jump on the turtle again, if you do this right it will keep bouncing into the other turtle and give you points. After a while it will give you free men. Get as many as you wish, but be careful not to get more than 100 men because if you do when you die the game is over.

Extra Points from Fireworks:
When you touch the flag pole, take note of what the time left is. If you touch the flag pole when the time left has the last digit 1,3,6, then you will get 1, 3 or 6 fireworks. every firework will give you more points.

Warp to World 5:
Make your way to the end of World 1-2 at the place where there's a pipe going to the next level. Break two blocks so there's one at the end touching the pipe. Now duck and jump backward toward the brick (don't break it!) If you did this right you should go through the wall and pipe into a warp zone. Ignore the first pipe, then jump down the second pipe and you warp to World 5-1.

Warp to World 2, 3 or 4:
On World 1-2 toward the end of the board start running and jump on the moving platform. Keep running and jump on the next platform. Again keep running and jump up on the top level of blocks (Caution! Do not fall off!) Keep running and you will see three pipes with snapping plants coming out of them fall down through the open area the plants will turn into numbers 2, 3, or 4 those stand for levels jump down a pipe and go to that level!

Moon Walk:
On level 4-2 at the beginning you have to jump two things. One is big, the other is narrow. On the narrow one jump and hold down. (If you did this right you should be under some bricks.) Let go of down and keep holding left. Mario then will moon walk.

Blooper Dodge:
If you just walk along the sea floor, Bloopers will never be able to kill you because they are forced back up just before they hit the floor(or you).

Super Mario Bros. 2

Warp to World 7:
Work your way to level 5-3. (It would be a good idea to choose Luigi for this level because of his superb jumping skills.) Go up the ladder at the beginning of the level, and then jump up onto the ledge above the ladder. As soon as you get on top of the ledge, grab the first grass on the right. It is a potion. Use the potion and go through the door. Now, while in Sub-space, go down through the jar and voila! Now you're in Level 7!

Warp to World 6:
In level 4-2 In the area with the whales find a bottle and throw it on the next pot. Enter the doorway and go down the pot into World 6.

Warp to World 5:
To warp to level 5, first get to level 3-1. When you enter the first door, fall all the way down. You also have to be in the middle as you fall. When you stop, you will find a platform with a door. Enter the door, then you have to look for the potion in the grass. Pick it up, then throw it on the ground, enter the door in cyberspace, and go into the vase and you will be at level 5.

Warp to World 4:
In level 1-3 go to the area just before the brick background. Pick up the plants until you get a bottle. Then go past the brick background until you find a pot and throw the bottle on it. Go through the door and down the pot into World 4.

Super Mario Bros. 3

Extra Lives:
Go to the first T shaped pipes in world 1-2. You need to have a tail so you can float in the air. There will be little goombas coming out of the right end of the pipe. Go on to the ground near where all the goombas are coming out. Let three or four come out before you do anyhting. Then jump on one of them so you bounce up into the air. When you are coming down from that jump land on another one, and after you hit that land on another one. Keep doing this so you never touch the ground. Once you hit one goomba, you will want to flap your tail so that you will provide more time for more goombas to come from the pipe. Once you have stomped on eight in a row, you will get a one-up for every kill on after that.

Warp Whistles:
At the end of level 1-3 before you go to the black screen you'll find a bunch of blocks in the air. Find the white one and hold DOWN. When you fall through, run to the end and press UP. Hurry! If you do this correctly you will be in a secret room. Open the chest to get a whistle with special powers! In the miniature castle of world 1 get the P-Wing and keep flying. At the top you should go over a wall and stop moving. Press UP to reveal another whistle! You can also get this whistle by using a racoon suit. First take out the bone turtle, then go to the far right, start to speed up using the b button. When you reach the left end (your flying power should be full)start flying upward until you enter the secret room containing the whistle. The 3rd Secret Whistle is in World 2. Beat a Wandering Hammer Brother and you'll get a music box or a hammer. Use the hammer in the Top right area in the Desert (not the level) by the Pyramid it is all the way North of it. Use the hammer there. You'll find a Wandering Fire Brother with the whistle along with a Toad's House with a Frog Suit in it.

Extra P-Wings:
Beat the game. Afterwards, play again without turning the system off. You should have 28 P-wings.

Level 8 Shortcut:
To beat the second board of level 8 easily, just swim under the boats until you reach the end.

P-Wing on Level 1-4:
Collect all of the coins, then finish the level. A white moving mushroom house should appear. In the house there will be a secret room with one treasure chest containing a P-wing.

Hidden Anchor:
When you get to the desert level in Mario 3 you can find a secret anchor. All you have to do is go to board 2-2. To do this right you have to get all of the coins. The only problem is that the last 4 or 5 are hard to get. You have to have a tail and you hit the brick with the p-block in it. Jump off of the flying log. Swim to the beginning of the water. There should be another log waiting for you. Be careful not to get hit the tail is very important! Get on the log and ride to the p-block. Jump on it and all of the bricks will turn into coins. Stay on the log until you come to the flying turkey thing. Jump on it and you should have the boost you need to get the last few coins. A white mushroom will appear on the first level in the desert. In it is a chest with an anchor. The anchor will keep the boat in place if you die while playing it.

Lost Levels

Flagpole Freebie:
If your coin total is two identical digits (00,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88 or 99), and the time you touch the flag pole ends in that very same digit, you'll get a 1-Up. For example, hit the flag with 44 coins with 104 seconds left to get a prize.

World 9:
Getto World 8-4 without using a single warp pipe to unlock World 9, you must get to World 8-4 without using any warp pipes. In World 9 you'll only have 1 life -- get to World 9-4 and you'll restart at World 9-1 infinitely until you die. It's an evil, evil game

World A-D:
You'll get a star by the game logo for every time you beat World 8-4. When you have eight stars, go to the title screen and hold A and press START to access World A-D.

Infinite Lives:
At the beginning of board 2-1 you will need to jump to the top of the three step stair case and move forward until you see the flying turtle. Jump on the flying turtle once and it should begin to walk toward the stairs. Move Mario to the top of the first step and press jump as quickly as possible on the turtle as soon as he lands on the second step.

Warp Back To World 1:
To warp back to World 1, you must be in World 3-1. Near the end of the stage, jump onto the spring and fly over the flagpole. When you land, run forwards, and you'll find the warp pipe that takes you back to World 1.

Warp To World 2:
When you're in World 1-2, jump onto the bricks at the top. Run forwards, and you'll go past the pipe to exit the stage. Keep running, and soon enough, you'll find the warp pipe that takes you to World 2.

Warp To World 3:
To warp to world 3, you must be in World 1-2. When you reach an area where there is a pipe, a few bricks, and a Steel-Shelled Koopa, hit the first brick on the left. A beanstalk will pop out. Climb up the beanstalk, and at the top, run forwards until you reach the warp pipe that takes you to World 3.

Warp To World 4:
To Warp to World 4 you must be in World 1-2. When you get to the moving platforms jump onto the platform. While on the platform get a running start then jump to the to the small brick ceiling then jump again to the next brick ceiling. Keep going until you see 2 pipes. Go down the pipe that's on the far left. You will be led to a secret area with lava. Make sure that Mario or Luigi is small. Run under the small lava pit that's positioned under a brick wall. After you make it under the lava pit keep going until you see a pipe. Don't go down the pipe. Instead, search for a secret coin block that's located one space to the left of the lava pit. Then get on the coin block and look for a coin block that's located one space to the right of the coin block that you are on. Jump on next coin block and jump up to brick wall ceiling. You should find a Warp Zone that leads to World 4.

Warp To World 5:
To Warp to World 5 you must be in World 8-1. After you pass the 3rd Hammer Bro go down the next pipe you see that points upwards. You will be led to a secret water area. Collect the coins and exit. When you exit you will end up outside. Go up the stairs and you will see a pipe that leads you back to World 5.

Warp to World 6:
You must be at least Super Mario to do this. Near the end of World 5-1, when you see two rows of floating bricks past two Red Paratroopas, hit the rightmost brick of the top row to release a vine. Smash the brick next to it, and then climb the vine. After going through the small bonus area, you will be dropped off on a pipe right next to a Warp Zone that takes you to World Six.

Warp to World 7:
Near the end of world 5-2, when you encounter the trio of tiny elevators, try to go as high as you can, so you can jump off the last elevator and reach the top of the ceiling. Continue to run right, making sure to jump when the ceiling ends, and you will eventually reach the Warp Zone for World 7.