Velvet Assassin - Cheat Codes

Velvet Assassin - Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes:
While playing, hold [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [O] + [E] and then press [H] to activate Developer mode. You can then press any of the following cheat keys.

Code: Result:
G God Mode
V Toggle Visibility
M Maximum Armor
N Maximum Ammo for Current Weapon
1 Give Next Rifle
2 Give Next Handgun
5 Give Gas Mask
6 Give Explosives
7 Intended Upgrade Attributes
8 Add 1000 EXP
9 Give Morphine
X Toggle Fly Mode

Cheat Method:
Browse to your Velvet Assassinaio folder and open the difficulty.cfg file using Notepad. You can alter any of the entries in this file to suit your needs. For example, change:

NPCDamage = 1


NPCDamage = 0

...for Invulnerability. Note that you can also alter other files in this folder such as weapons.cfg to make further adjustments to your game.

Enemies Cannot See Violet (even in light):
Open the enemy files in the installaioenemyclasses folder using Notepad. Set all the FOV stats to 0 and the enemy will be blind to Violet. She will only be detected if you bump into them.