- Playstation Portable
Arena announcement: At the Wrestlemania IX arena, the announcers will say that they are in Phoenix, Arizona. However, Wrestlemania IX actually took place in Las Vegas, Nevada. Attribute points do not work for tag teams: Batista Figure: Carlito T-Shirt: Casket finisher: Cena Baseball Jersey: Censored commentary: Create a character mode run in air: Cristy Hemme: Daivari: Shouting in Farsi during match Defend WWE and World title without completing season mode: Disappearing tables: Do aerial moves on ground: Easy experience: Easy money: Easy wins: Hardcore Championship Belt: Hassan and Daivari: Entrance music lengths Irish Whip running: Jimmy Hart Megaphone: John Cena: During season mode, John Cena is on SmackDown. However in real life he is on RAW. During exhibition mode, his photo has a red background which indicates he is a RAW superstar. John Cena's spinning WWE title belt: Kurt Angle: Update finishers in Create A Move-set Lita: Rob Conway: Select any match where you can see Robert Conway's entrance. SmackDown's Ring Announcer Tony Chimel will call him Rob Conway, but RAW's Ring Announcer Lillian Garcia will call him Robert Conway. Royal Rumble match: Easy win To easily win the SmackDown Royal Rumble in season mode, you can just simply skip it. After you skip it, Kurt Angle usually will win, but after he wins Vince McMahon walks out and says that Kurt cheated and he will be disqualified. You will now only have fight the last five people instead of waiting for all thirty to come out. If you defeat the last five people, then season mode will continue as if you won the entire thirty man rumble. Sledgehammer: Steve Austin: Sylvain Greiner: Tag match: Easy wins Tazz: Singing The Million Dollar Championship Belt: The Rock: The Undertaker: Tiger Skin Rug: Title announcement: Trophy List: Wrong day: When in GM mode, Taboo Tuesday is on a Sunday instead of a Tuesday like the PPV should be. Wrong gender: Sometimes during a Fulfill Your Fantasy match or other matches, the announcers will refer to female superstars as "he". Get outside ring in cagefight: Get lots of exp points: |