X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Unlock Classic Wolverine costume

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Unlock Classic Wolverine costume

Unlock Classic Wolverine costume:
While playing, press A, X, B, X, A, Y, A, Y, A, X, B, B, X, click the Right Analog-stick. Then exit to main menu and switch costumes.

Faster Enemy reflex:
While playing, press A, A, X, X, Y, Y, B, B, Y, Y, X, X, A, A, click the Right Analog-stick.

Infinite Rage:
While playing, press Y, X, X, Y, B, B, Y, A, A, Y, click the Right Analog-stick.

While playing, press X, A, A, X, Y, Y, X, B, B, X, click the Right Analog-stick.

Unlock Alternate Costumes:
Collect three action figures in a level to unlock a challenge agains a different costumed Wolverine. Beat him to unlock his costume. The costumes are Blue/yellow Classic Wolverine, Brown/yellow Legendary Wolverine & X-Force Wolverine.


A Day's Work
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Killed 500 enemies

Aerial Assault
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Performed 10 Air Grabs

Aerial Master
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Got 6 enemies airborne at once

Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Raised One Combat Reflex to Master Level

Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Found 1/2 of all Dog Tags in the game

Bar Fight
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Defeated Victor Creed (Sabretooth)

Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Killed 200 enemies with Claw Spin

Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Killed 50 enemies while in Berserker mode

Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Killed 25 enemies with a reflected projectile

Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Killed 1 enemy with a reflected projectile

Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Performed 1 Counter move

Devil's Brigade
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Found all Dog Tags in the game

Drop Dead
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Killed 10 enemies by throwing them off high areas

Efficient Killer
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Quick Killed 20 enemies

Environmentally Friendly
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Killed 10 enemies using objects in the environment

Reward: 15 Points
Objective: You found a mysterious hatch!

Fully Loaded
Reward: 35 Points
Objective: Maxed out all upgrades

Getting Started
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Killed 100 enemies

Heightened Senses
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Killed 200 enemies in Feral Sense

Helicopter Ride
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Defeated David Nord (Agent Zero)

Hot Potato
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Light 20 enemies on fire

James Howlett
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Performed a Wolverine to Wolverine Lunge

Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Lunged to 25 enemies

Mutant Lover
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Raised one Mutagen to level 3

Perfect Killer
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Quick Killed 3 enemies in a row

Piggy Back Ride
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Lunged to a W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototype's back

Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Lunged to 100 enemies

Quick Killer
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Quick Killed 1 enemy

Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Raised All Combat Reflexes to Master Level

Shotgun Epic Fail
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Killed 25 Ghosts with their own weapon

Slaughter House
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Dismembered 100 enemies

Slice n' Dice
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Killed 6 enemies with a single attack

Spillway Escape
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Escapes from Weapon X

Stick Around
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Impale Victor Creed outside the Bar

The Cake
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: You found the cake, yummy!

Ultimate Wolverine
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Fought 4 W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototypes at the same time and defeated them at Alkali lake.

Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Performed 25 Counter moves

Walking Death
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Beat the game on Hard Difficulty

Weapon X
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Killed 150 enemies while in Berserker mode

What I Do Best
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Killed 2000 enemies

Whatever it Takes
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Killed 30 enemies using objects in the environment

Reward: 15 Points
Objective: You feel cold as you examine the skeleton and read the name "Arthas" etched into the nearby sword

You Can't Hide
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Lunged to 250 enemies