XG3 Extreme G Racing - win next race

XG3 Extreme G Racing - win next race

win next race

To win the next race in the series, enter this code: LRZ, LR, Z, LRZ once Press Start shows up at the title screen.

double your winnings

To double your prize money, press the following buttons at the main menu: L, R , Z, L, R, Z, L R. A message will indicate correct code entry.

Get infinite ammo

To get infinite ammo, go to the main menu and enter the following code: L, R, L, R, L R, Z. A message will confirm correct entry.

How to always win career races

To ensure that you always win XG Career races, enter this code after Press Start appears on the title screen: R, L, Z, L, R, Z, R, L, Z.

Get unlimited shield & boost

To unlock unlimited shield which also means, you can use unlimited boost, go to the main menu and enter the following code: LR, Z, LR, Z. A message will confirm correct entry.

Unlock all teams and tracks

To unlock all teams and tracks in the game, go to the main menu and enter the following code: L, L, R, R, Z, Z, LRZ. A message will confirm correct entry.

Unlock extreme lap challenge

To unlock the Extreme Lap Challenge, go to the main menu and enter the following code: L, R, L, R L, R, Z, L R. A message will confirm correct entry.