Ata - Extracts from the American Civil War

Ata - Extracts from the American Civil War Ata - Extracts from the American Civil War Ata - Extracts from the American Civil War

Ata is a description of the American Civilwar and is made in the spirit of a classic game called North 'n' South. It has been in development since 1998, but that time also includes the time spent on learning new techniques. The unzipped game takes about 15 megs of hard drive space.

The war begins. Your task is to order your armies (the amount of which is one to three depending on what you choose to be your campaign type). Next you have to start to conquer states in order to get more resources and gain victories. Troops can be hired, dismissed or exchanged between your armies and states. Every time your army attacks an enemy state, a battlescreen appears on the map (from which you aren't able to escape). And if one army meets another, it means war.

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