Unique mix of a rouge like RPG, with a train simulator and a real-time tactics in the realistic world of the U.S. 1860 - 1870. The hero has a steam train. Not a brand new train (even for 1860 years) but good enough to pull few old carriages and deliver some cargo or passengers. But Why does he own the train? Because it's the best way to travel across the country to find missed family members. That's why he came to the US. It is his main goal. The only one problem - trains are often attacked by robbers, native americans and even the regular army. A solid crew of gunfighters and some special devices as cannons, can solve the problem. Search city by city, speak with many interesting persons to get any useful information about your family. Change your locomotives and carriages, equip your train with the special devices, hire characters that can enforce your train crew, trade goods, complete quests, discover and change the US history and hurry up, time is running out!