
Decadent Decadent Decadent Decadent Decadent Decadent

Decadent is a story-driven first-person shooter that combines atmospheric exploration, Lovecraftian horror, and combat into an immersive experience. You step into the shoes of John Lorn, a royal explorer and World War I veteran who has turned into a decadent occultist. After a traumatic experience during occult research, Lorn becomes a host for a strange parasite. His journey takes him to the Arctic, following the traces of the lost Miskatonic University expedition. As courage and sanity are pushed to their limits, John must learn to walk the fine line between good and evil, ready to cause grief to save someone dear.

  • Release Date: To be announced.
  • Genre: The game blends atmospheric exploration, Lovecraftian horror, and combat, creating a unique sense of loneliness in a dangerous environment where time stands still.
  • Developer: Incantation Games.
  • Publisher: Fulqrum Publishing.