Dust: Battle Beneath

Dust: Battle Beneath Dust: Battle Beneath Dust: Battle Beneath Dust: Battle Beneath

Dust: Battle Beneath Free Full Game

Ashes to ashes, welcome to DUST: BATTLE BENEATH. In this RUN AND GUN GAME you take orders from a somewhat questionable boom box that answers none of your questions, telling you to blast your way through the underground, while you try to decide who lives and who dies ... and how often "who" dies ... and ... why this "who" keeps dying?? Whoever said being a gopher would be easy?

• Deadly scenarios
• Chaotic gameplay ...heheh
• Bullet ... many of the bullet
• Questionable motivations
• Newly generated level every time ya play
• Rough arcade mode
• Stupid enemies that will kill you
• Not so stupid enemies that will kill you
• very very stupid comrades that will kill themselves
• Gear and loot in each run
• Nap time!
• Will you seriously kill the crying nerd?

(These are configurable in game)
A = move left
D = move right
W = jump
1,2,3 = slot keys
Space = Build key
Mouse + right click = shoot
Mouse + left click = build
Gamepad implementation is broken for now in this build...hey, alpha, Am I right?

• Flips save lives.
• Hint: Talk to the radio first.
• Place a block under you immediately you jump to climb straight up.
