Crysis 2: Multiplayer Nanosuit's Mod v1.0

Crysis 2: Multiplayer Nanosuit's Mod v1.0 Crysis 2: Multiplayer Nanosuit's Mod v1.0 Crysis 2: Multiplayer Nanosuit's Mod v1.0 Crysis 2: Multiplayer Nanosuit's Mod v1.0 Crysis 2: Multiplayer Nanosuit's Mod v1.0

Crysis 2 Multiplayer Nanosuit's for SinglePlayer with MP features.

Multiplayer Nanosuit's both, army and ops to singleplayer. The suits are also integrated in cutscenes.

-New suit modules
-New stealth kill
-New weapons Changes

This mod could be also compatible with Crysis 2 Remastered. Drop the gamecrysis2 Files of the desired suit into the root folder of crysis 2 remastered. This will overwritte the main files of the games, so have a backup of it. (Also don't expect 100% compatibility).

File information

File name: Crysis2_MP_Suits.1.rar

File size: 3.24 MB

Mime type: application/x-rar; charset=binary