Epic wars beyond your wildest dreams, inspired by the Third Age Mod. Built for multiplayer mainly but with a lot of improvements to campaign as well.
Install: Copy the files from "Install Mod" and paste it in Rome Total War\Data , replacing the original ones.
Uninstall: Copy the files from "Uninstall Mod" and paste it in Rome Total War\Data , replacing the old ones.
Introduction "Fair Mod" is a mod based on the idea that each weapon has a stat and a price. As in a shop, for example. Each soldier is calculated according to the items he/she is wearing as well as for the hit points he/she has + balance.
File information
File name: FairMod_3.31.rar
File size: 33.91 MB
Mime type: application/x-rar; charset=binary
May 27, 2018 - 7:44am