Fallout 4 No Interior Fog Mod v1.0

Fallout 4 No Interior Fog Mod v1.0 Fallout 4 No Interior Fog Mod v1.0 Fallout 4 No Interior Fog Mod v1.0
  • F4SE plugin to remove interior fog.
  • Interior fog is stupid.
  • Makes all interior cells have a fogNear of 0.0 and fogFar of -1.0 which effectively removes all fog. Also does the same for Lighting Template records.
  • Only for Fallout 4 version 1.10.163

Mandatory Requirements:


File information

File name: Fallout4_NoInteriorFog_v1.0.7z

File size: 1.86 MB

Mime type: application/x-7z-compressed; charset=binary