Knights of the Old Empire Patch 1

Knights of the Old Empire Patch 1

Darth Traya had more planned for the Sith and Jedi than a simple eradication. She planned on the complete destruction of their way. Now the Sith Knights have returned and Palpatine has been removed from the Senate. They seek unity with both Dark and Light sides of the force and are now members of the Republic, united against Darth Sidious.

Move the folder "Knights" from this folder over the "Knights" folder in your "Mods" folder. Replace the files it wants and done. Fixes Acclamator Turrets range Intedictor Turrets range The Immortal's Turrets Range Adds Darth Sidious to Skirmish (Starbase level 5) Icon Error for older computers

File information

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File size: 3.58 MB

Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary