Shop Tweaks! Various lists with different shop items.
The is for the ITEM SHOP only. Yes. ITEMS. Not ARMOR. Not WEAPONS. JUST ITEMS!!!!!!!
- Everything: Not quite everything. Excludes tools (like the fishing rod, which you just 'have' and can't buy), point only gatherables (might add if it's shown they actually give points if you just outright buy them) and gems (melding items I think? Haven't gotten there yet myself but they don't go to the right inventory location).
- Consumables: Includes consumables, shells (ammo), and bottles (coatings).
- Consumables + Ingredients: Includes consumables, shells (ammo), bottles (coatings), as well as ingredients which are technically materials.
- Materials: Just the materials.
All options include the VANILLA SHOP ITEMS, meaning stuff here is added to the shop lists, not replacing the shop lists.
All items in the shop list have been resorted using the sort order in item data so the order should be the same as the items appear in your box.
Story requirements for items have been removed!
Some vanilla shop items, large barrel bombs for example, unlock with story progression. This disables all of that so all shop items are always visible.
Installation Instructions
- Install REFramework. (Nightly 1081 or later!)
- Install Fluffy Mod Manager.
- Drag-drop the archive onto the manger's UI.
- Or place the archive into `.....\Fluffy Mod Manager\Games\MonsterHunterWilds\Mods` WITHOUT EXTRACTING!
For the v1.000.XX.XX version of the game on Steam.
REFramework is required to use this!
File information
File name: MonsterHunterWilds_ShopTweaksAllItemsintheShop_v1.3.zip
File size: 6.82 MB
Mime type: image/png; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary