If you’re in the mood for multiplayer mayhem on an extreme level, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season Four Reloaded lands at 11 pm PDT with an expanded 200-player Warzone mode. Other new features include Supply Run Contracts, a Juggernaut Royale mode, and more.
Warzone is both a free, standalone game and a multiplayer component in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. It includes the familiar Battle Royale mode along with Plunder, which pits 50 teams of three against each other to find the most cash. That includes scavenging, hunting, and shooting other teams.
Now the team count expands to four each, increasing the overall player limit to 200 in Battle Royale mode.
According to Activision, owners of Modern Warfare will see the update measure between 22GB and 36GB, though once installed, the game’s overall footprint will supposedly be smaller. Console gamers require a secondary download weighing around 3.5GB.
For gamers playing the standalone free-to-play version, the update will measure between 22GB and 30GB. Again, once it’s installed, the game’s overall footprint should be smaller than before the update.
As for all the other items supplied in Season Four Reloaded, here they are:
• Supply Run Contracts - Reach a nearby Buy Station within a set amount of time to get a discount.
• Juggernaut Royale mode - Capture the Juggernaut suit.
• Spotter Scope (gear)
• Rytec AMR (Sniper rifle)
• Cheshire Park multiplayer map
• Team Defender multiplayer mode
• New Store items
If you’re new to Warzone, Activision sells a $5 Warzone Starter Pack. It includes 500 COD points, a Legendary Shotgun blueprint, an epic Krueger skin, epic calling cards, a one-hour double Battle Pass XP earn rate, and a one-hour Double Weapon XP earn rate.