One of the world's most prolific cracking groups, 3DM, the one who recently said that the Denuvo anti-tamper system would make games impossible to crack before long, has announced that it is taking a year off from hacking DRM out of games and making them available to all.
Its reason? It wants to see if not making games easier to pirate means that sales go up.
"We just had an internal meeting. Starting at the Chinese New Year, 3DM will not crack any single-player games," said forum member Bird Sister, reports Torrentfreak.
"We’ll take a look at the situation in a year’s time to see if genuine sales have grown."
While some may call shenanigans on a cracking group caring about direct sales, it may well be interesting to see if this change does have any affect on how many copies of new games, particularly more expensive AAA titles, actually sell.
Our bet would be that it won't be that many, but perhaps a few thousand extra copies will shift if there is no easy way to pirate them.
What do you think?
You could of course argue that this may well be 3DM announcing its cannot crack Denuvo, as indeed the promised Just Cause 3 crack still has yet to emerge, so the software is doing its job. Is this the beginning of the end for high-end title cracking?