With the launch of Warlords of Draenor going down yesterday, it's no surprise that World of Warcraft is a busy place right now. Players around the world are all clamouring to get a taste of the new content and begin their race to 100.
This is understandably causing a lot of lag in some places where the servers just can't quite handle it, but some of that lag in the US isn't being caused by players, but people trying to ruin it for everyone with a DDOS attack.
This was confirmed by Blizzard on the official forums, which said that it was working on preventing the issue from affecting players. For now it's dropped the maximum player numbers on each realm, to try and let those that can get on at least have a lag free experience.
Due to regular fixes being put up also, it's asked those suffering login issues to wait a few minutes before trying again as the sheer weight of people trying to login at once is causing the servers to time out.
It's also planning a large NA server maintenance that is expected to last a few hours.
For ongoing updates, keep an eye on this thread.
Have you guys been running into problems logging in and playing the new expansion?