Amazon On Wii Pre-Order Mixup

Amazon On Wii Pre-Order Mixup Amazon On Wii Pre-Order Mixup

An Amazon editor has explained that last week's botched Wii pre-order attempt was a result of the vast amount of people trying to secure their Wii.

Amazon's Jon G., an editor working on the Video Games, has gone on record n order to explain what happened last Friday when the company opened up its Wii pre-orders, only to immediately shut them down.

For a brief period on Friday, we did offer pre-orders for the Wii, however, the rate at which pre-orders came in dramatically outpaced what we had anticipated, so we suspended pre-orders until we are able to get a firmer commitment from Nintendo regarding how many units we'll have for sale.

The Amazon employee also went on to explain the email issue which arose during the short pre-order period, Because the pre-order window was so brief, the e-mail many of you signed up for notifying you that pre-orders were available was never triggered to send out. We apologize and have fixed the system to ensure pre-order e-mail notifications are sent in advance.

This little incident suggests that the hype surrounding Nintendo's new console has had a severe impact on consumer opinion and will most likely make for a successful Wii launch come this November 19.