AMD is still sticking to its promise to keep its graphics card drivers updated more often, releasing a number of patches and updates since it replaced the Catalyst Control Centre with the new Crimson design. It's continuing on in 2016 too, with the release of another hotfix that clears up a number of outstanding issues and continues to iterate on its original plans for the back-end-software.
This one fixes a lot of problems with individual games, such as halting compass flickering in Fallout 4, killing off the performance issues in Elite: Dangerous in Supercruise mode, eliminating flickering in Star Wars: Battlefront and a number of outstanding issues with Just Cause 3.
Compatible with all GPUs from the last generation or two, essentially everything from the 6th series forward is able to take advantage of this update, though it is far from perfect. As much as AMD has fixed a lot of flaws in the system and compatibility issues with specific games, there are still a number of outstanding problems.
Total War: Rome II is said by some to still be unnecessarily choppy and Far Cry 4 still has a problem with crashes when pressing ALT+Enter.
For a full list of bug fixes in the update and a similarly long list of issues that set to be cleared up in future patches, check out the change log here.