Although there were a lot of things that people didn't like about Assassin's Creed Unity, the fact that you needed to use a companion application on your smartphone to access some of the chests - even being told in-game that you needed to do so - was one of the most hated. Fortunately Ubisoft has been learning its lesson over the months since the game's release and has been fixing features left and right, one of which is the chest/app relationship, which has now been removed entirely.
On top of killing off the need to log in to a completely separate app/game in order to progress in that manner, the new patch also makes it so gamers can continue through the game without the need to log in to Ubioft's Initiates service, which would keep an eye on how you were progressing through the game and any other AC games should you play them.
In-fact, the Initiates service has been essentially unreachable for weeks now due to connection issues, so it may be that it never returns, but never say never when it comes to Ubisoft and bizarre business practices.
Along with these changes, a bunch of bug fixes have been made, including some random crashes and lock-ups in cooperative play, gear and items becoming re-locked and several matchmaking and connection problems have been cleared up.
Despite these changes though, Ubisoft's reputation, whatever was left of it, took a massive hit with Unity and its other botched games of the Christmas period. It will be interesting to see what sort of buzz it gets around its next big releases, as surely a lot of its customers will have learned their lesson with Unity.