Black Desert shows us how character creation is really done

Black Desert shows us how character creation is really done

Despite the online world being a pretty global gaming community, there's still distinctive differences between games produced in and for different markets. Games produced in the East for example, while often featuring more grinding in their gameplay, raise the visual bar to whole new levels.

And that's pretty much what's going on in the latest trailer for Korean MMO Black Dessert, which has by far the prettiest and most customisable character generation system out there.

Of course all that fancy character art seems a bit redundant when all you see of your finely crafted protagonist in-game is their back. Also a lot of the enemies seem particularly stupid, but the game is only just entering open beta, so there's potential for changes to it before release.

With it being designed for the Korean market anyway, it's unlikely this game will see beyond its shores, but accounts do paint its gameplay as a little more exciting than your average MMO. It's fast paced, requiring a twitchy trigger finger, especially when competing in end-game PVP.