With Blizzcon, Blizzard's annual celebration of everything that's great about it,happening over the next couple of days, it's started making some announcements about what we can expect at the event. For one, it's debuting a documentary called Looking for Group, all about World of Warcraft.
With the MMO currently living through its 10th year of existence, WoW has plenty of history to cover, whether it's player actions or simply the ever changing landscape of Azeroth itself, with all its expansions and changes over the past decade of gaming.
It's also quite an anomaly in a business sense. While almost all other MMOs have been forced to drop the subscription model in order to bring in enough players to keep them afloat, WoW still stands strong with its monthly fees, with millions of players still connecting every month to quest and loot around the landscape.
The trailer for the documentary above, documents the game's development, originally and ongoing, the hardware and servers behind it all, the moderation and of course, the fans of the game themselves. The cosplayers, guild leaders and competitive players, all of whom make up just a small fraction of the millions who have played the game over the years.
Those who want to watch the documentary as it debuts, can do so online with a virtual ticket, which can be bought here. It will give you access to the entire event online via HD streams.