Players of Cyanide's Warhammer Fantasy Football title, Blood Bowl 2 were left confused and more than a little angry yesterday when it was discovered that a patch that updated and fixed a few of the bugs within the game also introduced an in-game store that for some reason had aspects of the game that were previously free, behind a pay-wall.
It included certain team-jersey colors, which Cyanide is hoping players will earn with in-game credits, or purchase with real money if they don't want to wait. But for those that had already used the jerseys on their players, finding themselves unable to do so and faced with the option of buying them again if they wanted to continue using them was pretty distasteful.
Cyanide was relatively quick to address the issue, announcing on the Steam forums that it had spotted it and was preparing a fix:
"There was indeed a problem with the latest patch and it affected the game/store content."
"We’re aware of the store content issue caused by the latest patch and are working quickly to resolve it. Jerseys that were previously free shall be free once more."
Some fans aren't happy with this and have stated they will stop playing the game moving forward, while others have suggested it was a pretty simply bug and not one that really affected anything major.
Do you think it's worth halting play for a slip up like this?