Cyberpunk sure has a lot of bugs in it

Cyberpunk sure has a lot of bugs in it

Reviewers and gamers are rather split on just how good the new Cyberpunk 2077 is. After years of waiting for the next seminal release from CD Projekt Red, it's mostly considered pretty good, but not quite what the hype made it seem capable of. Unfortunately, all opinions good and bad have been marred by the problems Cyberpunk 2077 still faces. And there are a lot of them.

From crashes, to texture issues, random appearing items, blurry desktop icons, and performance problems, the new AAA game from CDPR has not got off to a good start.

Missing vehicles models are a fun one, where you'll find your character and others sitting on completely invisible trucks or cars, floating along highways without a care in the world. Characters from pedestrians, to police, to some of the most important side characters have wonky physics too, bending over backwards in bizarre fashion, or falling about themselves like bones are just an idea to them.

The AI is pretty wonky in places too, with one reporter catching hundreds upon hundreds of bad drivers in Night City who repeatedly drive their cars into a barrier and then shout about it.

Others picked up on scripting issues which broke early missions, some tutorials which can't be completed — leaving players unsure of how to play certain aspects of the game — and autosaves that make it impossible to redo content that is only half done.

Have you been giving Cyberpunk 2077 a go? What are some of the issues you've bumped into?

Image source: Spray_UK/Twitter