Did GTA V Redux mod steal from VisualV?

Did GTA V Redux mod steal from VisualV?

Yesterday we gave you guys a sneak look at the upcoming Redux mod for GTA V, which not only gives the game a massive visual overhaul, adding new textures, lighting options and model animations, but it also improved pedestrian interaction, police loadouts, the wanted system and oh so much more.

But it turns out a lot of what that mod contains might have been stolen from someone else.

At least that's what the creators of VisualV, _CP_ alleged. In a post on the GTA forums, he posted side by side comparison shots of the coding in both mods and they are very, very consistent.

Although the forum seems to be down at the time of writing, you can view a cached version of it here and there are a lot of similarities between the two code bases.

More evidence to suggest that there has been some stolen elements in this mod, is that the past two modes with creator John Romito worked on, Miracle V and Pinacle V, were both shut down early when it was discovered that they had used stolen mods.

Each time Romito claimed innocence, but this is starting to become far too common a trend to ignore.

Other modders have now come forward saying other elements of Redux appear stolen from their mods too. It may come to light that Romito didn't make much original content for his mod at all.