DVD Playback hacked Into Wii

DVD Playback hacked Into Wii DVD Playback hacked Into Wii

Back in 2006 Nintendo announced their plans to release a new DVD-enabled Wii in 2007. Nintendo claimed that a hardware limitation is the reason behind Wii's failure to play DVD movies, but a group of hackers has proved them wrong.

An unnamed hacking group released a boot disc that enables Wii to play DVD movies. The new hack runs on modded Wii only. If you have a modded Wii, you can download the hack as a CD image and burn it then use it to boot your Wii when you want to play a DVD movie.

Owners of un-modded Wiis will have to wait until someone like Datel, who made the import game-playing Freeloader on GameCube, makes a boot disc that plays DVDs on normal un-modded Wii.