Dying Light gets a release trailer

Dying Light gets a release trailer

With the zombie slaying, parkour title Dying Light launching today, it only makes sense that the developer, Techland, best known for Dead Island, release a launch trailer, which is exactly what it's done.

It gives you a basic idea of the game's story and gameplay, whilst also showing off some fancy kills and leaps around the pretty, open rooftop environments of the game.

Much like Dead Island, the game involves smashing and hacking away at zombies, but this time you can run around across the rooftops, using fast paced movement and free running skills to traverse the environment.

On top of that, there's a bunch of fun and crazy weapons to use, unique enemies to take out and a campaign story that can be played through cooperatively with a bunch of friends.

Any of you excited for this one? I imagine I can't be the only one who's a little bored of zombies at this point.