Although not everyone has time for the epic quest lines and endless side-distractions, RPGs offer some of the most immersive gaming experiences available, often because they have enough content to let you stay with and become immersed in the lives of your character(s). However that doesn't mean they have to take that long to play through. In-fact, speedrunners have found ways to plough through some very long content in very, very short times.
Take for example Fallout 3, which has just had its record broken twice in quick succession, with the current champion having pushed it to under 15 minutes - and even he thinks he can do better.
Completed by speedrunner Rydou, the new record sits at 14 minutes and 54 seconds, which beats the last record by just six seconds. However with a part of the run getting caught on a rock, it does seem possible that it could be quicker.
This was a "any%" speedrun, for those in the know, which for those that aren't, means that he was able to use everything short of console commands and mods to make the run quicker. He quicksaves and loads to glitch through walls, has the game set to easy to avoid dying from attacks and uses the speedcripple bug, which involves quickloading just before crippling the player's legs in a fall - which for some reason speeds them up permanently.
There's a lot going on, but it's an impressive run if you like this kind of thing.
Are you guys any good at blitzing through games?