Formula One - Images Q and A

Formula One - Images Q and A Formula One - Images Q and A Formula One - Images Q and A Formula One - Images Q and A

Marking the triumphant entry of Formula One into the world of PSP is the aptly named Formula One game. Carrying all the latest updates and focusing on arcade instant action the game promises exciting commuting for all. Formula One also marks the tiumphant return of the so it's not just a port... question which was has been sorely missed in the previous Q&A. You can also have a look at the impressive in-game images, follow the Screens tab above, of Formula One.

As the first Formula One product for PSP, Formula One includes all of the official licensed tracks, cars and drivers of the FIA Formula One World Championship. Download your own music collection from Memory Stick Duo and access additional bonus content to make sure race days are never the same again!


- Featuring all 18 official circuits and all 10 official teams, 20 cars with performance stats based on their historical season performances and 5 unlockable classic bonus cars
- Arcade focused gameplay with 7 challenging modes including Quick Race, World Championship, Head to Head and Eliminator Championship
- Link up to other PSPs via WiFi for multiplayer races, Ghost Car and Best Time exchange mode

We've seen F1 on PS2, can you tell us what is different about this game?

F1 PSP will faithfully recreate all of the same licensed cars, drivers and tracks stages as its PS2 counterpart. The whole feel of the game is positioned differently from the console version. The emphasis is on quick easily accessible gameplay for the user and will aim to give short and exhilarating bursts of action all in a handy sized package.

So it's not just a port?

No, F1 has been built from scratch by a different developer from the PS2 version. When it launches in May 2005, F1 will also be faithful to the 2005 season which won't begin until March next year and will also include the new Turkish circuit which the general public won't even see until August 2005.

What new elements have you introduced to the game?

All racing modes like Quick Race, Time Trial, Single Rally and Championship will feature a series of mini arcade style modes designed to take advantage of the quick pick up and play nature of PSP. This should allow the races to still be as immersive as Formula One games on PS2 but with more frantic action perfect to 'dip in and out of' whilst on the move.
We've also added a Scenario Mode to the game, where players can re-race some of Formula Ones most memorable moments.

Is this created by the same team that worked on the previous games?

No, our chosen development team Travellers Tales haven't worked on previous versions of F1. This means that we can effectively build from the ground up and really concentrate on the unique game playing experience that the PSP offers.

Are there many major differences in the development for a software title for PSP?

Although the PSP has proven to be quite simple for developers to get their teeth into, what has been surprising is how powerful the PSP is once you get used to developing for it. This means that to be truly serious about PSP development, team sizes and costs remain comparable to PS2.

Tell us more about the WiFi elements in the game.

F1 will include the opportunity for up to 8 players to play head-to-head via WiFi on an ad hoc basis. This means that it will be easy to establish multiplayer games without the need to be linked via cables or hardware.

Are you going to include any downloadables that can be used to enhance the title at a later date?

Yes, for the fist time ever with any F1 game, F1 PSP will include the ability for players to download real grid line ups and qualifying times taken directly from the 2005 season as the race events happen next year. This means that F1 PSP gamers will easily be able to race the season as it unfolds. If, for example, a team or driver got disqualified, or happened to do particularly well in a qualifying session, then you could choose to update the game with the correct stats and have the correct cars in the correct order on the starting grid.

As a developer, what is the most exciting element of working on software for PSP?

The chance to be in at the ground floor of a new and fascinating piece of hardware.

What features has the game got that takes into consideration the fact that the PSP is portable?

We think that the way people play F1 on PSP will be rather different from the PS2, we don't think that people would want to sit on a train and play a full 65 lap race for instance, so while every mode will be there, its length and span will be set within the parameters of PSP play.