Did you find Creative Assembly's terrifying Alien Isolation a little too difficult to make it through? Or perhaps you want even more of a challenge, with a deadlier alien, harder headed androids and jumpier survivors? Either way, the developer is looking to cater to you in the latest update for the game, which is entirely free for everyone.
This one doesn't come with new survivor maps or added story content, instead it adds two new difficulty modes: Novice and Nightmare.
In the former, Amanda is a little tougher so doesn't go down to blows from enemies so easily and there's a lot more scavenge-able items about, so you can craft weapons, traps and distractions to your heart's content. The Xenomorph itself is a lot less aggressive too, adapting slower to player behaviours and it's much easier to distract.
This mode is for those that want to take their time a bit more and look around Sevastapol without fear of the Alien mouth-punching through their stomach as they do so.
However if that's not what you're after at all and instead want more of a challenge, then Nightmare mode might be up your street. It not only makes all enemies tougher and more aggressive, reduces Amanda's health AND makes the Xenomorph smarter, less easy to distract and incredibly adaptive to your actions, but it takes away your information too.
That means that the motion tracker will occasionally go on the fritz and send you erroneous information. On top of that, there's no health bar, no ammo counter and no indicator for how much battery is left in your torch.
Essentially, Nightmare is realism mode. Do you have the guts to take it on?