GameStop's senior VP of marketing Bob McKenzie revealed that Kinect hardware sales has surpassed all pre-launch expectations and that Kinect is on its way to outsell Sony's Move this Christmas.
"I'd say right now Microsoft's Kinect is looking to be the winner of the two for us," he said. "We're very happy with the sell-through over the weekend. It has met our expectations and actually exceeded our initial forecasts."
"I do have them both, obviously, and the Move Sports bundle is a great option," he added, "but I knew for my family - with an eight-year-old daughter and ten-year-old boy - that Kinect was really going to be the thing that was more geared towards my household."
Official Kinect sales figures are not out yet, but Sony has announced that it managed to sell 1.5 million Move units in Europe and another 1 million units in the U.S.