GayGamer Hacked Out Of Service

GayGamer Hacked Out Of Service

It seems that is currently offline due to a Denial of Service attack on their server.

Currently, the website displays this message only:
"Hello, faithful readers:
As you might have noticed, we have had some connection issues in the last few days and now the site is completely down. I'm sad to say that we have been the target of homophobic hackers. Thankfully, they didn't get to our database so all of our stuff is still intact. At this point we are just waiting for our service provider to ensure everything is good before putting the server back online.
Hopefully, this will be resolved by the end of this weekend, so please keep checking back. You can't keep a good gay gamer down, so we'll be back before you know it, serving up all the sassy game content you can handle.
Fruit Brute"

Flynn DeMarco, owner of narrated: "A hacker has knocked Gay, the only news gathering gay-gaming site, offline with a series of denial of service attacks after flooding the site with threatening emails and hate speech...
Small waves of denial of service attacks started Wednesday morning, causing occasional timeouts on the site. By Friday the site, working with their host, was able to block the IPs where the DOS attacks seemed to be coming from. Then Friday evening someone began flooding the site's forums and chat room with hate speech, including some death threats, and over-sized images meant to bog down the site… The flood of messages and images all originated from the same IP in Philadelphia..."