Google has sent a cease and desist letter to the creator of the Discord Groovy bot, and they aren't going to fight it. Starting August 30, Groovy will no longer work as it has until now, meaning that anyone using it to add music to their servers, atmosphere to their roleplaying games, or to share music quickly and easily with friends through Discord, will have to look elsewhere.
Groovy is a Discord bot that made it super easy to stream music to anyone in a single voice channel, with options for building queues, skipping tracks, and more, all controllable by anyone the admin wanted to give access to. It was really versatile and could grab music and ambient tracks from anywhere, YouTube included. For Google, that was the problem, though, because Groovy circumvented the API, which means no adverts, and no revenue for Google.
While Groovy's 16 million users might be a drop in the YouTube bucket, Google doesn't like to share, so it's sent a cease and desist, and now Groovy is no more.
Although the creator, Nik Ammerlaan said that he isn't sure why Google decided to send the letter now, it wasn't something he was willing to fight.
"I want to thank each and every one of you for using Groovy," he said in a statement to fans. "You all had a part in shaping it into what it is today. I hope you all have a wonderful day and remember: stay groovy."
What will you use for your Discord game session music, moving forward?