Upcoming Xbox 360 exclusive blockbuster, Halo: Reach, has been leaked to torrent and other p2p networks almost a month ahead of its official release.
Microsoft has admitted that a "security exploit" was leveraged by hackers in order to obtain the whole 7 GB of game data which was hosted - and secured - on Xbox LIVE for game reviewers. The game had a mock price tag of 99999 Microsoft Points ($1,250) and it required a special code that was issued to select reviewers. Apparently, the hackers managed to bypass both measures.
Microsoft refused to comment beyond admitting the incidence. Bungie, on the other hand, warned that discussing the storyline or the campaign events on the official forums will be "considered a leak and treated as such." Still, the developer advises that the best way to remain 100% spoiler free is to keep off all internet gaming forums until you finish the game.