Control tactics in Hearthstone have always been some of the most frustrating to play against. Designed specifically to negate your own tactics and gradually dominate the board so that you have no hope of taking down your opponent. However, that sort of stall and brawl tactic has entered whole new realms of ridiculousness following the introduction of new cards in the recent Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion, where with certain combinations, games can take upwards of an hour to complete.
This is very much counter to what normal Hearthstone games are like. Blizzard evolved the collectable card game formula with its development of Hearthstone, streamlining the mana generation process, cutting back on deck sizes and keeping turns to a prescribed length. However, that doesn't mean it isn't exploitable and that's exactly what some players have been able to do with a card called Dead Man's Hand Warrior.
That card lets you shuffle a copy of your hand back into your deck. Can you see where this is going? Make sure you have two Dead Man's Hand Warriors in your deck, wait until both show up and then play one. All you need do is wait until you draw the copy and you can keep that strategy going almost indefinitely.
That's exactly what happened in a recent pro game, where we saw players try and play the same strategy. Although it clearly worked better for one than the other, they both ended up stalling out the game for more than an hour, making for rather a dull viewing experience for fans and certainly an indication that something needs to be done to a couple of cards to make this strategy less viable.
It might help you win, but it's no fun for the players or those watching, which in turn does nothing but hurt the pro and casual scene.