Here's a couple of those Xbox One TV achievements


Remember when we mentioned about six months ago that Microsoft had patented TV achievements">? It's the practice of watching TV and being rewarded with an empty pat on the back.

Well now we have a few examples of what those achievements will actually involve and they're as vapid as you'd expect.

The first one revealed in the image that surfaced over at Kotaku, shows the following achievements:

  • Ooh Somebody Stop me: Watch 10 titles before the end of 2013
  • What's worth doing is worth doing for money: Watch an Amazon original pilot with the second letter of the Greek alphabet.

There's also a progress percentage over both Amazon video and Xbox Video players, suggesting that once complete you might unlock something - perhaps free Amazon prime or access to new content?

Microsoft did hint earlier this year that there would be some point to gaining achievements rather than just adding to your gamer score. It remains to be seen what benefits those might have though.

What do you guys think of these? Someone did suggest it might be good for seeing what your friends have been watching - but do we really want everyone knowing we just rewatched Bambi again?