Not everyone is super fond of the new design choices with Crysis Remastered's uprated graphics, and how its slightly more saturated look makes it look less realistic, even though it's more detailed, than the original. One aspect that seems hard to refute in its effectiveness, however, is ray tracing. It's coming to Crysis Remastered on not just PC, but also consoles too, and Digital Foundry had a sit down with Crytek to show just how good it looks in action.
Ray tracing is a complex and costly feature to implement, but Crytek has used a lot of clever tricks to make it much less so. That includes interlacing two low poly ray tracing maps, being selective in what's being ray traced, and keeping frame rate expectations modest.
The Xbox One X will be able to play at 1080p with dynamic resolution at a maximum of 30 FPS, or up to 4K when using dynamic resolution without ray tracing — also at 30 FPS. There will also be a 1080P unlocked frame rate mode for those who don't mind sacrificing visual effects, for smoother frame rates.
The PS4 Pro will be much the same, although it won't be able to manage 4K, it will offer instead, an 1800P mode, also at 30 FPS. The ray tracing option will have it running just below 1080p for the most part, but it may dip a little further with dynamic resolution enabled.
No word on next-gen console versions, although if this port is popular, we wouldn't be surprised.