If you need a new game of 10 in this time of self-isolation and stay at home orders, then the new Humble Bundle has you covered. For just $30, you can land a total of over 40 games, 10s of books and comics, and a copy of Music Maker EDM edition. It's all going to the Covid-19 relief fund, and has already racked up over $2.3 million from more than 91,000 purchases.
This really is the most ridiculously generous bundle that Humble Bundle has ever put out. There's Into the Breach, Undertale, The Witness, Hollow Knight, Superhot, Darksiders II, Killing Floor 2, Sniper Elite 3, This is the Police, Brutal Legend, Super Hexagon, Hacknet, World of Goo, Agents of Mayhem, Stealth Inc 2, Zombotron, and many more. There are also comics, crossword books, coding manual, self-help books, audiobooks, and even some music software, all bundled together in a stupidly good value collection.
As a result of this great bundle, many people have been paying far more than the asking price, with some donating multiple thousands of dollars to the fund. It's raised $2.355 million at the latest count, with new buys coming in all the time. All of it goes to various Covid-19 relief funds, hopefully making the lives of those most affected by this Pandemic that bit easier.
Consider donating today if you need new games, or even if you don't.