Frictional Games' Amnesia series helped pioneer the modern horror scene which is full of weapons-free, running and hiding. If you want to experience the game that really set the scene for the past few years, as well as its sequels, you can now pick them up as part of the terrifying Amnesia: Collection.
Out now for the PS4, the Amnesia: Collection includes the original Dark Descent, Justine and Machine for Pigs, giving you a trio of scary experiences to enjoy. The new trailer for the games showcases some of the most pant-crapping moments from the games, ranging from serene, creepiness, to down right haunting as you're chased by giant, anthropomorphic pigs.
And of course, you don't have anything to defend yourself with, just your speed and wits and often even that's not enough to keep you alive.
Or to keep you playing in some cases. There are many people - this writer included - who cannot get through much more than a couple of hours of Amnesia games for fear that our hearts will explode.
How brave are you when it comes to these games? And don't tell me you just run through singing without a care in the world, that's not what being immersed in a horror game is all about.