Just Cause 2 MP patch adds level editing tools


The Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod has been out in public beta for a few weeks now, but it's not found much of a focus thanks to most of the people signing up to play joining the most popular servers - which are always the unfocused, every item is free, fragfests - which are great fun in their own right, but the experiences are very shallow. To help combat that and open up the mod to much wilder and more varied gameplay, the developers have added the basics of a level editor and a server highlight system to draw attention to the much more exciting ones out there.

The 'level editor' is essentially a tool that lets server owners add any item they want to a game world. That means they can create Inception like landscapes, or just make a crazy mid-air track for people to race on. Expect many strange and wonderful stunt track creations as a starter but beyond that the sky's the limit.

To make sure you can find these weird and wonderful servers however, they've also added a server highlight feature which puts a big yellow/orange block around the servers that are doing something more than just random fighting across the island with free spawns. The servers highlighted will rotate every week, but to start off there's the Battle for Panau and Real Life servers, which offer level up gameplay and faction vs faction wars.

Players sign up for one of the game's factions and then must make their way across the map, completing missions, killing enemy's and defending their strongholds against takeover attempts by other players. It's a much deeper experience than is being offered by the basic servers at the moment.

Considering we're this early on in the mod's lifecycle though and it's already gotten to a state where there can be hundreds of gamers fighting across one giant island (and a few smaller ones) with a goal in mind, I'm excited to see what else the developers and now server owners can come up with.