Kerbal Space Program 1.0 launches on the 27th

Kerbal Space Program 1.0 launches on the 27th

If like me, you've spent the last near four years launching little green men into the great inky beyond of the Kerbol system, then next Monday will be quite the day for you, since it marks the first official, 1.0 release of Kerbal Space Program. That next update has been in the experimental testing phase for just under three weeks and it's finally ready for launch in just a few days time.

With it, we can expect female Kerbals to become available to play with, as well as the ability to climb, a new aerodynamics model and better drag and lift mechanics. The developer Squad is also adding a number of features previously added by mods, such as an engineering read out of your space-craft's capabilities, a warp-to alarm feature and the ability to mine resources from asteroids and other planetary bodies, making in-space refueling far easier than before.

Post launch, Squad has more plans for the game and won't just leave us with mods to fill the hole left by a finalised game. There will be the addition of an official multiplayer mode somewhere down the line, as well as new planets and the potential for more parts and mod incorporation.