Well folks, it's official, Microsoft now owns Minecraft and its developer Mojang, along with the company's much smaller property, Scrolls. This marks the end of several months worth of lawyers hashing it out and rubbing their hands together at the percentage they'll be raking in from this $2.5 billion deal. Ultimately it sees Markus Notch Persson become one of the richest men in the world, just five years after launching the game which he only ended up developing for two years.
The done deal was announced by Xbox head Phil Spencer via Twitter, who stated: "It’s official, today we welcome Mojang to the Microsoft Studios family. We're excited for the possibilities ahead w/the Minecraft community."
Notch himself posted some tweets about how he'd ended things, suggesting that he just walked out of the offices without planning to return. Feeling strange, he said he wasn't sure how too say goodbye, so he didn't.
Now we just have to hope that Microsoft doesn't do something stupid, like make a sequel, or make Minecraft an exclusive, or add Micro-transactions.
It's not exactly clear how it plans to recuperate the $2.5 billion it spent on the game, especially considering the game hasn't even made that to date with its many millions of players and purchases.
What do you guys think the future of Minecraft will be like?