After over a decade of development and six years of Early Access, Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, has just hit version 1.0. That means it's out of early access, and can be considered feature complete -- even if Paradox still plans to add lots more to it, and the game will continue to evolve over the years to come. Perhaps more exciting, however, is that now it's officially out, modders can really get to work.
The Mount and Blade series is a big and complicated one, with a relatively small team of developers creating an expansive RPG sandbox where you can roam, fight, command, lead, and ultimately take over the world with your band of miscreants, knights, and archers. Bannerlord is the latest iteration and it's bigger and more beautiful than ever before, with more in-depth siege and diplomacy mechanics than any base Mount and Blade game so far.
But that's not the whole story with Mount and Blade. Modders have used its tools to create the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, Middle Earth, Pendor, and countless other unique worlds. That's what they'll now be able to bring to Bannerlord, which will open up the game to much greater depth, breadth, and a wealth of options.
What mod are you most excited to see brought to Bannerlord?